Discover your part in God’s plan for the nations.

The first step toward making a global difference is knowing.

Learn about the current state of the world, the challenge we face and how you can become part of the solution!


Global Missions Resource Organizations

  • Sixteen:fifteen

    Sixteen:Fifteen Church missions coaching organization exists to help local churches discover and use their unique gifts in partnership with others to make Christ known among all nations.

  • Frontier Ventures

    Successor to U.S. Center for World Missions and is an umbrella organization for Missions Frontiers, Joshua Project, Global Prayer Digest, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, etc.

  • Missions Frontiers

    The bulletin of the U.S. Center for World Mission which is dedicated to fostering a global movement to establish an indigenous, and self-reproducing church planting movement amongst all of the 10,000 unreached peoples (ethnic groups) of the world.

  • Joshua Project

    Leader in gathering, integrating and sharing people group information to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among the least reached people groups of the world and to facilitate effective coordination of mission efforts.

  • Global Prayer Digest

    Focused on fueling prayer movements for the last remaining unreached people groups of the world. With intimate stories, pictures, statistics, and scripture, the GPD engages the reader to enter the world of those who still have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Perspectives

    Leading in-depth course on global missions. God has a "world-sized" role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian.

  • William Carey Library

    Since 1969, William Carey Publishing has been publishing mission books and resources. A publisher of some of the best mission titles in the world today. They offer hundreds of titles in paperbacks and ebooks globally.

  • Catalyst Services

    A space where churches, networks, and agencies can connect and find help in order to fully involve believers in global witness.

  • Missio Nexus

    Engages people who serve within the Great Commission with ideas, events, and resources which propel the gospel around the world.

  • Mission Resource Network

    Established in 1998 to help autonomous congregations serve the mission of God more effectively. MRN partners alongside both churches and missionaries so they can do missions more effectively. They provide missions related resources and coaching. Fee structure noted online.

  • Missions Catalyst

    Free, weekly electronic missions “digest” designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. It includes missions news, practical ministry ideas, and helpful resources which readers can pass on to others.

  • The Upstream Collective

    Helping churches send locally and globally so that every church sees themselves as a sending church and every Christian as a sent one.


The Task Remaining

Global Frontiers Missions provides a number of helpful missions education videos like one provided here. Check out their website below for a complete listing of Christian Missions 101 training resources.

Great Missions Quotes

  • Global Impact Toolkit

    Hundreds of challenging missions quotes great for sermons, articles, missions event themes, etc. Quotes provided as a courtesy of the Biblical School of World Evangelism.

  • 100 World Christian Quotes

    The Traveling Team compiled a list of the 100 most popular Christian missions quotes.