You're invited to the next meeting of the Roanoke Area Global Impact Forum (RAGIF), scheduled for Monday, April 24, 2023 from 8:00-9:30 am at Parkway Church on the Mountain, 3645 Orange Avenue NE, Roanoke VA 24012, in the Overlook Room on the 3rd floor. A free breakfast will be provided beginning at 7:45 a.m.
We just finished an exciting workshop — The Mobilized Church — where over 50 pastors and missions leaders gathered to discuss how our churches can make an even greater global missions impact. We really want to keep the momentum moving so we have scheduled our next Roanoke Area Global Impact Forum meeting for April 24 at 8:00am at Parkway Church on the Mountain.
There is no cost for attendance or breakfast — Please SAVE the DATE on your calendar and plan to attend and invite a friend!