Global Missions 101 Course Materials


Global Missions 101

Your Role In God’s Plan for the Nations

God plans for every believer to be involved in His plan for the nations – either as a Sender or a Goer. This course aims to enlighten minds and enliven passions for the cause of global missions. Students will understand not only God’s global plan etched from beginning to end in the Bible, but their personal, immediate, strategic, effective, and measurable part in that plan.


We are so excited that you have registered and are planning on attending Global Missions 101: Your Role in God’s Plan for the Nations beginning Monday, January 24.  Here are a few details that will enable you to more fully enjoy your participation in the class.

Location: Parkway Church on the Mountain 3645 Orange Ave NE, Roanoke, VA 24012 (enter at the main entrance in the “top” parking lot).

Time:  A light dinner will be served from 5:30-6:00pm.  Class will begin promptly at 6:00pm.  

Course Syllabus:  While “homework” is not required, we believe you will benefit greatly from completing the optional reading contained in the class syllabus.

Course Materials: Weekly handouts will provided in class. Most of the optional reading is included in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader 4th Edition (William Carey Library, 2009), Ralph D. Winter & Steven C. Hawthorne (eds). The “Perspectives” book can be purchased online new or used at a reasonable cost. Note that the Perspectives book is different from the workbook. Earlier editions also will work and can be purchased even cheaper. In the event you miss a class, you can access the weekly handout, PowerPoint, and audio lecture at this webpage.

Questions: Please contact course coordinator Lane Hasson with any questions.

Week 1

“Introduction to Global Missions 101”

January 24 | Robert Mullen


Week 1 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 1:

Week 2

“Biblical Basis for Global Missions”

 January 31 | Dr. Chris Gnanakan


Week 2 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 2:

 Week 3

“Progress in Global Missions”

February 7 | Dr. Frank Fox


Week 3 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 3.

*Due to technical difficulties only the first part of the session is available.

Week 4

“Current Trends & Developments in Global Missions”

February 15 | Robert Mullen


Week 4 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 4:

 Week 5

“Personal & Local Church Responsibility for Global Missions”

February 21 | Rob Gribbin


Week 5 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 5:

 Week 6

“Personal Commitment to Global Missions”

February 28 | Aaron Mansfield


Week 6 Course Materials

Below are the attachments of course materials for week 6: